✨ Ruins, Rodents, and Remnants

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Add archaeology to my resume ⸴ i suppose ·

Although the sojourn wasn't originally supposed to be archaeological in nature · Saro had «asked» me to go to kalinthas -- though she made it clear this was one of the steps or requirements of my initiation into the moonless nights · As she is now a duchess ⸴ i did not know whether she wanted me there as a diplomatic aid ⸴ security ⸴ or to fulfil some task she had planned out somewhere on the island chain · At first ⸴ however ⸴ my job seemed to be nothing but company · We had arrived on the island of popolos which i take to be the main island of the kingdom · I confess i did not arrive in very good shape; travel by water does not agree with me ⸴ it seems ⸴ and i have had little opportunity to learn it before · Fortunately most of my next few days ⸴ as i mentioned ⸴ was spent merely relaxing and being in the company of saro and other adventurers who had taken the same trip · There is a tavern called the luckless dragon in the city of bastion·by·the·water where we spent much of our days ·

I have no idea what else would have transpired during our stay on kalinthas if it had not been for the incident yestreday morning · A man walked into the tavern ⸴ which was a common enough occurrence ⸴ but unlike most people who came to the luckless dragon to drink away their woes ⸴ this gentleman had an air of delegated nobility (it was mostly the clothes) and seemed to be in mild duress · After a bit of hand wringing and working up the nerve ⸴ he strode to the front of the tavern and cleared his throat politely to get our attention ⸴ whereupon he introduced himself as gregory nelson ⸴ the kalinthian council member from the island of calyx · He wished to hire we dragonreach adventurers to clear out one of the «armanthian ruins» which was not far from calyx's capital city of langdale ·

An interesting proposal ⸴ to say the least ⸴ especially since on the duminică just prior to our arrival on popolos ⸴ the kalinthian council had (i learned) passed a law making it illegal to unseal and/or enter any of these ancient ruins that dotted the island landscapes ⸴ without obtaining a certified delver's writ · Councillor nelson immediately assured us the council had awarded him such a writ on our behalf in order to maintain the safety of langdale · He also let us know that he had paid from his own salary for charter ships to sail us from popolos to calyx · This news did not excite me··· more travel by water · But it couldn't be helped ·

The ships departed popolos this morning an hour before dawn and moored at calyx just after the sunrise ⸴ a mercifully shorter trip than that from kundirk to kalinthas · We descended into langdale from the port to retrieve the writ from councillor nelson ⸴ as well as directions to the armanthian ruin ·

While en route to the site of the ruin ⸴ i had a chance to observe some of the adventurers that had joined us ⸴ whom i had not met yet · I received the impression (later verified) however that these men and women had in the past fought alongside those i already knew from dragonreach · There was an elf who dual wielded like i did (except obviously far far better) ⸴ a werebear ⸴ a high orc ⸴ another elf named quinn (one of the only ones who publicly introduced themselves to those of us new to him) ⸴ and᠁ finch · Finch ⸴ a rat kyn ⸴ member of the moonless nights ⸴ and someone that saro had specifically mentioned i should get to know · Though large and imposing in stature ⸴ he had a predictably squeaky voice and an insatiable appetite · I had been warned and had brought snacks ·

As we approached the impressive though ageing facade of the ruin's entrance ⸴ everything seemed understated and calm and i did not entirely understand why councillor had been so concerned about having the ruin cleared out · I supposed that perhaps he was worried something inside might get out ⸴ but that train of thought led to me wondering why nobody had been concerned about it before ⸴ or at least investigated it before · My thoughts were interrupted shortly ⸴ however ⸴ by the foliage around us seeming to come to life · There were a number of flora-fauna hybrids ⸴ similar enough to the myconids at springdale to alarm me but also different enough that they were more easily kept at bay by our group -- even in spite of their force including a small number of carnivorous plants ·

While protecting trellis ⸴ who was trying to work out the mechanisms that would unseal the door ⸴ i stood alongside the werebear and the high orc - the latter of whom introduced himself as yonkie · Though we were defending ourselves it also seemed that the plant things were acting defensive as well ⸴ and another piece of the puzzle came together when trellis was finally able to unseal the door to the ruin · The very moment that the seal broke ⸴ all of the plants stopped attacking and stood in a vigilant arc centered around the door ⸴ as though their true purpose was not to keep us out but to keep something else in the ruin · Yet withal we took the plunge and descended into the ancient structure ·

Not too far inside we approached a fortification populated entirely by «rodenzi» ⸴ a species of what appeared to be hindwalking true rats (as opposed to finch ⸴ who as a wylderkyn was more like a rat-like anthropoid) · The population seemed relatively large though the creatures themselves were not oversized ⸴ but it was hard to determine whether this was the reason for the plant sentinels' watch · The adventurers tried to approach peacefully at first ⸴ and even offered food and kind words ⸴ but the rodenzi were too suspicious and began to swarm us ⸴ so we had to defend ourselves · And unfortunately ⸴ the creatures fought us to the last ·

Now with an inkling of what sort of things we might encounter ⸴ we took a moment to orient ourselves with the fortification as a base point ⸴ and then proceeded further down · As we went deeper into the ruin we encountered other small groups of rodenzi ⸴ sometimes fighting each other in addition to ourselves · At one point there was a fork in the passageway and we chose to head left and downward before going right and upward · Not far from here we found barrels of a sickly viscous substance ⸴ which finch (somehow) convinced blue to try drinking ⸴ and it almost killed her · We resolved to continue on from there after mathis restored blue to health ⸴ but we encountered some undead and some stone golems ⸴ and while facing those on the front ⸴ another group of rodenzi came from behind us and dipped their weapons into the barrels -- coating their weapons with a doom elixir!

Fortunately we were able to take advantage of this as well · During a lull in the two-pronged battle many of us used our blades or hammers ⸴ to the point that we actually emptied the barrel and prevented the rodenzi from using it further ⸴ but we also discovered that if our weapons weren't swung soon enough the acidic part of the alchemical coating began eating away at our weapons · There were enough undead remaining for us to salvage all of our weapons before the corrosion got too bad ⸴ and our group efforts brought us safe victory once again · During this battle the duellist elf apparently was stricken by the fact that i was only fighting with a shortsword and dagger ⸴ and made a point to tell me i had better get a longsword if i expected to get any better in combat situations ·

We continued in this way until just before we reached what appeared to be the lowest room ⸴ we felt an explosion below us · We hurried down into a large amphitheatre which was filled with recently killed rodenzi corpses - except for at least one which we found bleeding out · While many of us had thought to revive the poor creature and ask what the explosion was ⸴ finch had grown too hungry (in spite of copious snacks from saro and myself ⸴ and a meal provided from some bags of holding possessed by mathis and the drake kyn) · Our rat kyn friend simply fell (literally and figuratively) on the prone rodenzi body and began devouring it ⸴ to mixed reactions from the rest of the adventuring group (ranging from my «well that's the circle of life» to several «i think i'm going to be sick»s) ·

Mathis managed to intervene when finch indicated he was full (or nearly full) ⸴ and used a life spell on the rodenzi ⸴ restoring the limbs and guts that finch had eaten · The pitiful creature then became alarmed as he awoke to complete strangers with weapons all around him ⸴ but after some lengthy discussion we convinced him we were willing to help if his people would stop attacking us · The rodenzi as a whole had been trapped in the ruins for a long period of time ⸴ and the explosion we felt had been the result of them using a crystal they had found in order to magically teleport elsewhere - or at least try to ⸴ since obviously it hadn't worked well and had backfired · I guess there were not as many bodies as there had been rodenzi trying to teleport out ⸴ so some must have teleported to a different ruin ⸴ but the rest died in the explosion ·

The little rodenzi was going to come with us further as we offered to bring him up to the surface and past the plant sentinels at the door · However a larger rodenzi with some sort of ritual mask came into the amphitheatre with a small cadre of fighters ⸴ struck him down and then raised him as an undead before we had much chance to save him · The mystery deepened ⸴ but since the ruin did not ⸴ we had to return back to the original point of diversion and try the right-hand passageway · After we had dispatched the rodenzi necromancer and his minions ⸴ of course ·

Returning to the forked passageway and taking the right-side door this time ⸴ we entered an old library half-filled with books written in a completely foreign alphabet · Some of those in our party that had visited kalinthas before recognised the letter glyphs even if they couldn't read them - they were the same as on panels and in other books from a previous ruin visited · However what primarily caught my notice ⸴ and most of the others ⸴ was the enormous pile of dead rats and rodenzi smack in the middle of the library floor ·

Unnerved by this mass grave ⸴ the party at large decided to press on quickly ⸴ so i did not at that point have a chance to examine the dead bodies · We went further up the stairs and passed through a doorway into··· something far different than the falling-apart stone that we had thus far been travelling through · It was obviously more advanced but still derived from an archaic time ⸴ and it had endured better upkeep than the rest of the complex passages we had traversed · A number of constructs or golems faced us ⸴ serenely but stoically ⸴ greeting us but telling us all we could not pass to the forge ᠁ until they saw trellis and nya ⸴ the two lone dryads in our party ·

Speaking only to nya and trellis from that point forward ⸴ the golems eventually explained to «us» that they were creations of the ancient dryad society that once dominated the islands of kalinthas · The forge (which nya ⸴ trellis ⸴ and naomi only were allowed to go and observe while other golems guarded us) was used by the ancient dryads to create the golems ⸴ and only they held the secrets of the golems' creation · The golems had been tasked with protecting the forge ⸴ and so they remained there under the last order they had ever received before the ancient dryads left ⸴ died ⸴ or were wiped out ·

Mathis was unhappy with the half-answers we had received from the golems and the rodenzi ⸴ so although he politely thanked them all and encouraged us diplomatically to depart the ruin ⸴ he stopped us in the library and asked if anyone would cast a ritual that would allow them to see the past for themselves · While phanuck ⸴ yonkie ⸴ the werebear (named zane) ⸴ and naomi built a circle of power and cast the requested ritual ⸴ i examined the bodies i had not been able to before · I could see that not all of the bodies had been killed here; and practically all the killing wounds were from rodenzi claws themselves · This seemed to jive with what we had encountered earlier ⸴ that one group of rodenzi was fighting another · It may have explained in part why there had been a rodenzi necromancer that had killed and corrupted our young friend ·

The results of the ritual also seemed to confirm this · The rodenzi themselves had been trying to acquire power ⸴ the visioners told us ⸴ and had managed to uncover the art of necromancy ᠁ whether from the books in the library ⸴ other visitors to the ruins ⸴ or a natural inclination ⸴ they could not tell · As a result of this choice of power ⸴ the rodenzi began purposely killing one another so that their bodies could be used as undead file and rank ⸴ and this led to civil war that practically wiped them out · In the meantime one small group of rodenzi had made off with a part of the golem forge ⸴ and had intended to use its magical power - the crystal focus - as a means to finally get out since the ruin's door was tightly sealed ·

The one good thing resulting from our exploration was that mathis had confirmed with the help of the golems that all the remaining rodenzi in this particular ruin were dead ⸴ so technically the ruin was «cleared» · We emerged from the ruin ⸴ made our way quickly through the line of plant guardians ⸴ and back to langdale to regroup and report to the councilman nelson · There ⸴ mathis informed him that the ruin had been examined but that he still strongly recommended it be cordoned off from the general public ⸴ without yet explaining what else was in the ruin ·

In truth ⸴ had this been the end of my adventure on calyx ⸴ i would have concluded by saying that i was never coming back to kalinthas again · In spite of my mild curiosity about the nature of the rodenzi from the point of view of the all-fauna connexion ⸴ i felt that there was simply too much going on among the islands ⸴ that there was too much background i would never comprehend ⸴ and that i certainly did not need to learn the court protocol of another kingdom's government when i could barely manage to obey the protocols of dragonreach · Not to mention ⸴ i just really didn't want to ride on boats any more ·

However᠁ zane is remaining on calyx ⸴ or at least in kalinthas in general · And he overheard me either asking mathis if he could treewalk from this far back to dragonreach (he can not) or complaining to saro that i was going to be seasick again and perhaps i should just stay in langdale or find someone who can create a portal · So he pulled me aside and said very sternly ⸴ «i won't allow you to stay with me and be stranded in stagnant fear ·» Then ⸴ almost as an afterthought ⸴ «you don't grow where you are comfortable and safe; you simply wait to die,» and then walked off ·

While i'm sure it was meant to get me on the damn boat ⸴ i'm also just as sure that he really meant i should stop only doing things that make me feel sheltered and secure ⸴ in general · Expand my horizons ⸴ so to speak · So i guess i'll be coming back to kalinthas after all · And who knows ⸴ but that perhaps i will be able to contribute something meaningful and help solve some of the mysteries of the armanthians?

Or at least learn to stop vomiting over the side of the boat ·


Grianadhmad of Ardic, the Bulegoan, and the Ipiazak/Apiazak are copyright 2017 Taed T. A. Price.
Hálainndóchas, Dusk, Ilarion Deórsa Ramiel Earthdream, and Leander are copyright 2018 Taed T. A. Price.
All rights reserved.

All other characters are played characters or non-player characters portrayed by members of Alliance Traverse City or Alliance South Michigan members, are copyrighted by their respective players with all rights reserved, and used with permission. Names of respective copyright holders are available upon request.
Other city, region, and place names are copyrighted Alliance Traverse City chapter or Alliance South Michigan chapter with all rights reserved, and used with permission.
Racial descriptions and backgrounds are copyrighted by the overall Alliance LARP organisation with all rights reserved, and used with persmission.