
This page should start off by saying that I (Taed, the "driver" or person playing the characters) am a huge calendars nerd. I probably can't tell you how many historical, actual and derived, and fictional calendars I have studied and even transformed into computer format through spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel.

That said, when it comes to the world of LARPing, you can't reasonably expect everyone to abide by the same calendars, especially when it comes to an continental organisation like Alliance LARP where players span from ocean to ocean playing all sorts of different races from all sorts of different cultures. So I treat my blog calendars as being specific to my character's race and clan. Grianadhmad uses the day and month names from his old home of Ithir Den Speir centuries ago (because to him it was only a year or so ago), and Ilarion uses the day and month names of his Selunari clan, the Deórsa. Translations of those names are (will be) below.

Counting the Years

Regarding the calendar year, the overall Alliance LARP organisation uses an optional calendar called Evendarrian Reckoning (E.R.), and that is the way that Ilarion counts his years, because the existing calendar in Dragonreach (A.F.D.) began after he was born. However, I reference both calendar stylings in his blog entries.

The Traverse City chapter does its storyline in the fictional empire of Eloria, which uses a calendar that started 9600 years after E.R. when the Treaty of Valdanis was signed, thus I refer to it as Valdanian Reckoning (V.R.).

Grin's Calendar Names

The words I created for the Speirian dryades are from the Irish Gaelic language but none of them are the actual Irish translations for the months or weekdays.

/RʸOH tuh/
"freezing"half year from Bruite "boiling" (July)
/lʸa IS kuh/
"melting water"solid water becomes liquid (see November)
MarchLár Earrach
/lar ARR akh/
"middle spring"vernal equinox, a middle point (see September)
/druukht LAY/
"dew in morning"compare to Drúcht-oíche "dew at night" (October)
/SHAYD tahs/
"first heat"compare to Deiridh-teas "final heat" (August)
JuneArd Samhradh
/ard saw ROY/
"high summer"summer solstice, a high point (see December)
/BRIH tuh/
"boiling"half year from Reoite "freezing" (January)
/DEH ree tahs/
"final heat"compare to Chéad-teas "first heat" (May)
SeptemberLár Fhómhar
/lar FOH wer/
"middle autumn"autumnal equinox, a middle point (see March)
/druukht EE shuh/
"dew at night"compare to Drúcht-lae "dew in morning" (April)
/croo HIS kuh/
"shaping water"liquid water becomes solid (see February)
DecemberArd Geimhridh
/ard giv REE/
"high winter"winter solstice, a high point (see June)

/GRAY neh lah/
"sun day"contrast of Monday; retranslation of original "sun day"
/GALL akh lah/
"moon day"contrast of Sunday; retranslation of original "moon day"
/TRED lah/
"fighting day"contrast of Wednesday
/KHANT lah/
"speaking day"contrast of Tuesday
/STERM lah/
"storm day"contrast of Friday
/KALL muh lah/
"calm day"contrast of Thursday
/MAR goy lah/
"market day"a direct tribute to Alliance LARP and specifically Traverse City, where characters meet on a "market day" (mostly Saturdays)

Ilarion's Calendar Names

By contrast, the Deórsa names for the months are the traditional (ecclesastical orthodox) Romanian names though not the contemporary Romanian names, and the Deórsa names for the weekdays are the contemporary Romanian names of those.

JanuaryGerar/dzher ar/"bitter cold"
FebruaryFăurar/fuhw rar/"creating"
MarchMărțișor/muhr tsi shoar/"little March"
AprilPrier/prʸer/"good omen"
MayFlorar/flor ar/"flowering"
JuneCireșar/kee re shar/"ripe cherries"
JulyCuptor/kuup tor/"a little oven"
AugustGustar/guus tar/"fruit tasting"
SeptemberRăpciune/ruhp chʸuun/"ready for cold"
OctoberBrumărel/bruu muh rel/"little frost"
NovemberBrumar/bruu mar/"hoarfrost"
DecemberUndrea/uun draya/"[Saint] Andrew's month"

SundayDuminică/duu mi ni kuh/
MondayLuni/luu nee/
TuesdayMarţi/muhr tsi/
WednesdayMiercuri/mʸer cuu ree/
FridayVineri/vi ne ree/
SaturdaySâmbătă/sim buh tuh/

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Grianadhmad of Ardic, the Bulegoan, and the Ipiazak/Apiazak are copyright 2017 Taed T. A. Price.
Hálainndóchas, Dusk, Ilarion Deórsa Ramiel Earthdream, and Leander are copyright 2018 Taed T. A. Price.
All rights reserved.

All other characters are played characters or non-player characters portrayed by members of Alliance Traverse City or Alliance South Michigan members, are copyrighted by their respective players with all rights reserved, and used with permission. Names of respective copyright holders are available upon request.
Other city, region, and place names are copyrighted Alliance Traverse City chapter or Alliance South Michigan chapter with all rights reserved, and used with permission.
Racial descriptions and backgrounds are copyrighted by the overall Alliance LARP organisation with all rights reserved, and used with persmission.