✨ All Lost Souls (Part 3 of 3)

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Our troup from dragonreach congregated once more in the store-turned-tavern for a lunch prepared and served by mathis ⸴ and we were joined by more than a few stragglers from outlying homesteads who had heard that the adventurers were trying to pacify steepfall · Among the visitors was a man who asked if he could join the table i was at (with some of the pride members and some of the newer adventurers) ⸴ and after we graciously told him he was welcome ⸴ he sat and introduced himself as a member of the planar knights ·

The pride gave polite greetings ⸴ the newer adventurers had no idea what he was talking about ⸴ and as for myself ፧ I could not help myself and was staring accusingly at him · With my one remaining good eye · He took very clear note of this and acknowledged my attitude ⸴ and said to our confused tablemates ⸴ «let me tell you why he's glaring at me like that ·» though he insisted his organisation was not «the bad guys» ⸴ he willingly confessed that they were responsible for starting the current elemental war ·

The planar knight went into animated discussions about his group's plan for rearranging the planar cosmology ⸴ and i listened as long as i could before i finally had to leave the building to avoid snapping at him · Instead i happened to find blue and zorian and lun and velnaeus outside ⸴ and ended up venting to them instead · Zorian and lun in particular ⸴ being new to our company ⸴ did not know that the planar knights artificially instigating the elemental war early ⸴ was the reason why my whispering with the bear that fateful harvest afternoon went awry and i gained my scars while losing my sight · When they had graciously allowed me to get all of my frustration out ⸴ i did admit that i still preferred the planar knights plan ⸴ which would only sacrifice a relatively few amount of people now ⸴ as opposed to the current status of the cosmology ⸴ which would result in the continuous deaths of more people over more time ·

While we were still outside ⸴ a man came running up sobbing about orcs that killed his father ⸴ and his mother and sisters were hiding in their farmhouse three ghurries' run away · We responded right away · Jote (who had joined us outside) and i got the man to a seat and simultaneously calmed him down while getting him to recall details that would give us more information ፥ meanwhile dustie went into the tavern to marshal people to assist us · We had all ⸴ i think ⸴ made the assumption that these were the same orcs zorian ⸴ lun ⸴ jote ⸴ and others had encountered earlier ⸴ simply passing through the land looking for their missing shaman · But the farmer boy told us that rumours about orcs roaming the region and attacking farmsteads had been going on for weeks · Until this attack ⸴ he had thought they were just that - rumours ·

Once we had enough people and enough information ⸴ the farmer boy was ushered into the tavern to be fed and better inspected for his own wounds ⸴ while our group made a quick march in the direction he had indicated his mother's farmstead was · Nothing of significance happened on the march there ⸴ including any relevant conversation ፥ i will therefore skip ahead to our first view of the farmstead ⸴ with scattered orc raiders clearly in view ⸴ green against the dry brown and budding gold of the wild spring ·

Whether by accident or design i ended up taking one of the commanding roles of our rescue ⸴ possibly because i had been the first one gathering the information · In any case i could not have asked for better compatriots ⸴ because everyone understood instinctively what to do · We stayed in a close formation ⸴ occasionally reining in someone stepping forward alone too far ⸴ and annihilating the orcs who came in wildly and usually only one at a time · We forged a path into the actual house ⸴ found the mother and her young daughters hiding ⸴ and protected them while our scholars and archers held the orcs off on the basement stairs ·

Before long we all realised we had to get out of where we had garrisoned ourselves to prevent our fatigue from allowing the orcs through ⸴ so the other swordswingers and myself began a heavy trudge back outside ⸴ assisted by the mages and some of my own meagre spellcraft · The power to magically rip an opponent's weapon or shield from their hands was something i thoroughly enjoyed practising ⸴ and gave us more openings so that everyone could get out of the house ·

By the time that was accomplished ⸴ the raiders were all but a few killed ⸴ and we made short work of the rest · One solitary orc growled some sort of threat i couldn't hear over the wind before jogging off ⸴ and when velnaeus turned to me and asked if he should go eliminate him ⸴ i at first said no before realising we did not want the survivor bringing back a second army to threaten these farmers · I told velnaeus to fly ⸴ and he sprinted immediately across the field and into the brush where his elemental prowess was more than enough to extinguish the last orc's life ·

The mother was markedly but understandably grateful ⸴ and before we departed back to steepfall she mentioned something about the «curse of the sarr ghost» which quite obviously drew our attention - ghosts ⸴ undead ⸴ there was probably a connexion there · And sure enough ⸴ she answered our inquiries with a woeful tale about a family of sarr who had been persecuted and then the father was killed after trying to avenge his children · To top it all off ⸴ the sarr had been hanged from a tree in what is now steepfall ⸴ and his family's only heirlooms ⸴ a set of cutlery ⸴ had been reported stolen that very night and were never recovered · Remarkably a curious partial set of cutlery had been unearthed by some of our fellow adventurers earlier in the day · We set back out to the steepfall storefront with this news and a clearer sense of direction ·

By this point i was growing fatigued and needed to unwind for a while ⸴ and emric provided some relaxation in the form of gambling · Dragon poker had been the only game i had known but he taught me and velnaeus a few other games ⸴ which we won and lost gold over ⸴ before i decided to pull tight my pursestrings and step outside to stretch my limbs · When i stepped outside ⸴ however ⸴ who should i find but taios in deep disagreement discussion with a member of the guild of the gifted - the opposing party of the planar knights · Taios was trying to convince him to help us help the planar knights ⸴ and asked to explain to the guild's leadership in person why the adventurers were now siding with the latter party · The guild representative said all he could do was ask about the audience ⸴ not necessarily promise that it would be granted ⸴ but it's a step forward ·

I rehashed some of the conversation i had missed with taios and ardos before heading back in to the tavern to watch other people try their hand at emric's games · While i sat there ⸴ velnaeus and taios were asked to meet mathis and trellis in one of the less damaged buildings where they were going to set up celestial and earth guild permanent circles of power ⸴ per lycergis' request · They departed and were gone for quite some time ⸴ until i heard taios cackling with laughter as he approached the storefront again · He gleefully shared upon our inquiries that mathis' ritual had experienced a minor backlash ⸴ and our esteemed elven knight was operating under the assertion that he was actually a high ogre · Barring that complication mathis successfully completed his circle ritual ⸴ and trellis' own circle ritual was completed with no incidents at all ·

While all of these things had been going on ⸴ brighter minds than mine had been labouring over the new clues about the sarr ghost and the silverware that the farmwife had provided us · This information and other clues gathered from around the area led us all to believe that the fork ⸴ hopefully the last piece of the cutlery set ⸴ had been secured in a second tower a middling distance away · If we could unite the silverware set and return it to the sarr's grave ⸴ we might eliminate or else drive away the undead forces before the dark of night could set over steepfall (and us) once again ·

A group of us swiftly gathered and set out for the tower ⸴ though the distance was a bit greater than we had believed and the sky grew dark earlier than we expected in the midst of this cursed woodland · By the time we arrived ⸴ we could tell some creatures were occupying the tower but not necessarily what they were · Directed by mathis (still mentally convinced of his ogre-ness and likewise more blunt than his normal florid and cultured elven speech) we fought our way through the little horde ⸴ room-by-room ⸴ searching as best we could in the dimness for the missing piece of cutlery ·

At some point some of us abruptly realised that the creatures that were throwing poisons at us were myconids · I battled with myself internally between the cautious fear i've had for the fungus creatures ever since they caused me to first resurrect a year ago ⸴ and a rage that wanted to leap forward and recklessly beat down every last one of them · Wisdom won out over emotion ⸴ with the aid of the fact that i was hemmed in by the front lines and was responsible for protecting our healers · And then suddenly mathis yelled out for us to make our way back to the exterior ⸴ presumably because we had found the fork (plus a few boxes of treasure the myconids had stockpiled in a musty closet we came across) ·

We made our way out ⸴ noting as we emerged into the open sky (though near-dark by this point) that many of our number had been infected with the green spores that the myconids' poisons carried · Healers and potion carriers became very appreciated very quickly ⸴ but velnaeus in particular seemed to be having a terrible reaction to his infection · He said he believed that he had something back in valbrough that would help to cure his body and ease his aches · We did not think he would be well enough to easily get there on his own ⸴ so i volunteered to accompany him back to valbrough ⸴ after making sure someone else would keep an eye on blue now that i would be gone ·

So set on our course ⸴ my elven friend and i slowly made our way to the old waystone we had first arrived in less than sixty ghurries prior ⸴ and let the waymaker network take us back to our more familiar city · Over velnaeus' objections i escorted him all the way to his point of lodging ⸴ and saw him inside ⸴ then crossed the village green to the healing house and checked the ledger of patients ⸴ healers ⸴ and guardians on call · Mercifully there had been only minor check-ins that day ⸴ and nobody at the moment ⸴ so i used one of the patients' cots as a place to rest my own weary bones as i have done before · The last thing i did before closing my eyes was stare up at the stars through the smoke hole atop the yurt ⸴ and ask them to keep watch over my friends in steepfall that night as well ·

✨ All Lost Souls (Part 2 of 3)

Saturday, 23 March 2019

I had a dream that gaffeldin the great ⸴ a human scholar that had accompanied us to steepfall ⸴ had been murdered by a pantherghast swiftly ⸴ and there had been no other humans in the cabin at the time · When i awoke at sun's first light my first feeling was relief ⸴ especially upon seeing gaffeldin's obviously sleeping form in the makeshift bunk above me · This was swiftly replaced by horror ⸴ however ⸴ as i noted the remains of an actual fight not two feet from where my head had been laying · It would come out later in the day that after the pantherghast attack which actually did occur ⸴ gaffeldin's spirit had been required to travel to fort aegis almost thirty-one verstas away ⸴ and sir simon had escorted him all the way back (via waystone ⸴ but still) in the night ·

This sorrow aside ⸴ the morning brought a degree of peace ⸴ as at first we saw no undead nor celestial summons · A slight chill was not enough to keep me from my morning meditations though i did cut the first round of my whispering practise short to get warm again in the former general store ⸴ which we adventurers had already slated as being the tavern and central meeting place for the new adventuring post · A few slow shambling undead did occasionally wander into our midst but they were far easier to deal with than the previous night when we were practically overrun ·

Even the late morning was slow and somewhat relaxed as we all took advantage of the sunlight that deterred most undead ⸴ taking time to finish patching up wounds from the previous evening and to carefully scout more of our immediate surroundings · During a particularly quiet lull ⸴ fayedra and i went outside to have a practise duel and keep our limbs and blades ready for any surprises · The duel was to five strikes with the flat ⸴ and i warned her that i was still growing accustomed to my longsword but it was all to the good against her single blade · We actually went evenly matched and even hit each other the fifth strike at the exact same moment ⸴ and we were still chuckling about it as we went back inside to join the rest of our troupe ·

Thinking that perhaps a literal bird's-eye-view might provide some more information about this forsaken place ⸴ i mentioned to lun (who i was breakfasting with) that i wanted to untertake a whispering - my first real in-depth one since the incident with the bear late last summer · Lun was of course unfamiliar with the unusual skill i was learning ⸴ but after i explained it he excitedly told me of a perfect spot he had found for it · We ventured to a semi-clearing behind the «cabins» we had all slept in ⸴ and found a very large stump apparently logged recently by a braver forester than most · I agreed it was perfect and ⸴ beaming with pride ⸴ lun offered to stand guard over me while i went into the mild trance i used to communicate across the all-fauna connexion ·

In fact the whispering was almost a failure · Not because i could not perform it ⸴ but because there were so few animals of any kind ⸴ including birds ⸴ that were close enough for me to reach out to · When I finally did manage to catch the attention of a crow ⸴ the nervous creature had very little it could tell me in answer to my questions · It told me that birds generally stayed away from this place because they could feel something other and supernatural ⸴ as well as wanting to stay away from people such as myself (the sense i got was that it meant «adventurers» not «selunari») · Still ⸴ it was better than nothing ⸴ and i thanked the crow and emerged from my trance to see lun sinking a final arrow into one rogue undead ·

My kinsman and i returned to the tavern yet again but i did not remain long ⸴ since blue had mentioned her interest in taking sketches of the strange gravemarker-like stones we had noted the previous night ⸴ and which were much more obvious now during the day · The flat black monuments each had some bluish glowing runes of an unfamiliar glyph system carved into them ⸴ but also each monument was either eroded or someone had purposely removed chunks from their faces ·

While blue used her high artistry to reproduce the glyphs and missing pieces ⸴ we guarded her - red ⸴ dustie ⸴ naomi ⸴ a human named val ⸴ and myself · And it was well that we did ⸴ because something about even our mild disturbance of the graves attracted more pantherghasts · Between us all we kept each other safe ⸴ for they mostly targeted the kin and the elves ⸴ and just when one targeted me ⸴ lun made a re-appearance and helped me destroy it · Still ⸴ when blue announced that she was finally finished ⸴ none of us dawdled in leaving the immediate area of the grave markers ·

I had also promised pebbles prior to our group's arrival in steepfall that i would help her investigate an incursion of mineral elementals · Likely one of her contacts had asked her to look into it after hearing that the adventurers would be in this region · In fact several of us had offered to accompany her so she led her well-armed group to the site of the rift · She quickly deduced after spotting an obelisk that the trinket her contact had given her would drain the obelisk's power ⸴ eliminating the passage by which the elementals had been rifting onto the prime plane ·

As she also later explained ⸴ it was fortunate that it was mineral elementals we were dealing with · I'm still not familiar with all the many elemental planes ⸴ besides the four primary elements and life and death · But mineral elementals are like the «children» of life and stone ⸴ which means they preserve life and keep balance · This is why I woke up prisoned and being dragged out of the way by my friends after I got knocked out halfway through the skirmish ፥ the elementals had magically healed us to ensure we did not bleed out ⸴ and then cast a celestial prison on our bodies to prevent us from interfering further · Our aim was still accomplished however ⸴ and cressida and i (the only ones still prisoned) had been pulled well out of the way before the obelisk gave a minor explosion and disintegrated ·

By the time we returned once more the steepfall storefront ⸴ sir simon had been and gone with contracts hastily requested by the sparse occupants of the region · Blue and i headed up the pursuit of one such contract ⸴ from a man who hadn't heard from his brother in a while and was concerned about forest fires in the area · We discovered quite sadly that we were too late ፥ the house in question was already cinders and there were fire elementals all over the place ·

Though it was too late for the contract holder's brother and the heat was oppressive ⸴ we decided almost unanimously to at least eliminate the elementals and put out the fire · Cressida had accompanied us on this as well due her connexion to fire and its plane ⸴ and consumed the essence of most of the elementals we destroyed · Velnaeus ⸴ zorian ⸴ lun ⸴ and val also came with us ⸴ and zorian enhanced val's axe with ice while i enhanced çerhêni the same way ⸴ making our job infinitely easier · We steadfastly persisted until all of the elementals were eliminated and the remaining cinders burnt completely out ⸴ before returning to steepfall · The sad news would have to be relayed to sir simon when he returned that evening ⸴ and it would be that honest knight who had the unfortunate task of delivering it to the contract holder himself ·

✨ All Lost Souls (Part 1 of 3)

Friday, 22 March 2019

As the evening approached tonight i chose to walk rather than waystone the relatively short distance to valbrough · Two errands required my attention ⸴ and i needed to retrieve the result of the first before i felt comfortable proceeding with the second · Sure enough ⸴ i found rock at his forge ⸴ and he had just recently finished crafting my silvered longsword · The shape of course did not match that of my caravan blades ⸴ but i found it had an expert edge as well as a fine shaped point on the end ⸴ should i choose to stab rather than swing · Most importantly ⸴ as i had requested ⸴ rock had copied my deorsa inscription onto both sides of the blade · This weapon was now rupratyi ⸴ the most fitting name i could think of ·

With rupratyi added to my arsenal ⸴ and my taming bag and my sleeping sack packed with clothes ⸴ i proceeded to the valbrough waystone where many of my friends were already waiting in response to lycergis' request · Dusk had fallen when i arrived ⸴ and i heard velnaeus instructing us to pair off for protection · Seeing blue near me and unpaired ⸴ i offered to be her battle partner since she is a healer and i am a guardian ⸴ and she was pleased to accept · I cautioned her that she would have to be my seeing eye as darkness continued to cover the sky ⸴ but she had no problem with that · «So if there's an enemy ፧» she asked ⸴ and i replied ⸴ «turn me to face it ⸴ and push me forward» ·

We queued up to rift through the waystone to steepfall ⸴ about two-thirds of the way through the line of adventurers · By the time we reached the stone and initiated our own passage through the waymaker network ⸴ combat was already in progress as we had expected · Steepfall was said to be haunted and plagued with both spectral and reanimated undead; i can wholeheartedly verify that is accurate ·

Some of the undead had ice in their claws ⸴ and some of the more solid looking ones ignored most of the adventurers ⸴ seemingly only attacking random specific people · This strange behaviour set my mind racing as i tried to recall something ⸴ but i had little time to act on it as blue was both leading me onward and directing my attention to those undead that were about to attack me/us · As we progressed from the waystone to the old town propre ⸴ velnaeus kept us in a mostly tight formation and led us to the largest building he could find in the dark ⸴ which the sign out front indicated was an old general store before steepfall was abandoned ·

We made it inside ⸴ and assured of at least temporary safety ⸴ i immediately went digging through my taming bag for the documents about the undead which i had copied from the library in onothera · My racing mind had been correct -- one of the pages described steel-breaker revenants ⸴ which i relayed to mathis · These spooks retained a lot of their individuality as dead beings ⸴ and sought out those who they perceived as the greatest challenge unless sufficiently provoked from another source · I was able to also relay their weakness to magic ⸴ and also quickly (though stutteringly) provide some other info on what might have been bone-armor revenants · Mathis already knew the information on the liches and lesser spectres but thanked me all the same ·

Meanwhile trellis built a wall of force which kept the revenants out ⸴ but not the spectres when they were incorporeal · At first i was considerably hesitant and belatedly realised my arms were shaking from having not eaten recently ⸴ so i was staying back from everything · But ardos pulled me aside and encouraged me ⸴ reminding me that i was a guardian of the earth guild and that destroying these undead was exactly what i was tasked to do · My resolve strengthened by my cousin's inspiration ⸴ i stayed much more forward ⸴ keeping a close eye on any spectres that passed into our space and ready to strike them down if and when they began phasing into corporeality ·

Between trellis's significant store of walls of force (which had to be renewed at least twice a ghurry) and the number of fighters and spellswords keeping an eye on the spectres ⸴ we could have maintained our position there until close to the dawn ⸴ had nothing changed · But it did ·

A different type of creature suddenly burst into the store on all fours ⸴ seemingly unfazed by trellis' protective lines ⸴ and began ferociously attacking one of our number · My attacks were ineffective ⸴ as were many others ⸴ but randomly other adventurers could successfully do damage to the spectral feline-looking thing · Those of us who could not deal damage ⸴ the creature would occasionally swipe at us with a high-pitched ethereal energy that would cause us to uncontrollably back away and have difficulty approaching again · The senior adventurers among our party began shouting the names of races at the creatures (as more than one made it into the building) ⸴ much to my confusion ·

Finally someone explained to me (and to a gaggle of brand-new adventurers who had answered lycergis' call to reclaim steepfall) that the creatures were called «pantherghasts» ⸴ or «pg's» for short and for superstitious reasons · They were not undead ⸴ but rather summoned celestial beasts that each only sought out members of one race to attack · Likewise members of the targeted race were the only ones that could do actual damage to them · This information came in excellent time since the next pantherghast that ran into the store came after a familia member i had not yet met ⸴ and ardos and i flew forward as others called out «selunari» so the two of us could strike the beast down · The young selunari shakily got to his feet after blue had healed him ⸴ and thanked us ⸴ introducing himself as lun of the silver clan ·

With the rest of us in the storefront now better aware of the pantherghasts ⸴ mathis asked taios ⸴ trellis ⸴ and ardos to go scout the rest of the area · At first i was alarmed until i realised that with the spectres and pantherghasts unfazed by trellis' walls of force ⸴ there was no point in maintaining them · Those of us that remained maintained our temporary bastion for a seemingly interminable amount of time ⸴ protecting those of our number less suited to combat · Finally the scouting trio returned and reported to mathis · I confess that fatigue was already beginning to fall over me and i was devoting more of my energy to helping maintain our security than to listening to the conversation ⸴ but i did catch something about a tower one and a half míla away · After some lengthy discussion mathis decided we were going to march on the tower ⸴ and everyone agreed to go with him since nobody wanted to stay behind alone in the besieged storefront or the haunted town ·

Emerging from the storefront we made note of some tall dark stones ⸴ somewhat resembling grave markers ⸴ which we had not noticed on our arrival (being understandably distracted by the undead offensive) ⸴ and made a note to investigate them in the morning · Thus aside from continuing to fend off undead and pg's on our way ⸴ our whole group trekked along through the dark woods in much the same manner as we had emerged from the waystone ⸴ with blue assisting me by pointing me in the right direction for either walking or fighting ·

Eventually our group reached the tower in question ⸴ a dilapidated monstrosity which certainly was taller at one time but now only had about two and a half stories ⸴ most of it fallen apart and looking far too unsafe to climb up · But naomi noticed a cellar door leading down into a basement ⸴ and that is where they all went · I say «they» because i still was unsure what was the purpose of our being here to begin with ⸴ and mathis had requested that some persons stay outside to ensure nothing snuck up on us (like pantherghasts) ⸴ so i was one of five adventurers that remained topside · Fortunately ⸴ as far as investigations go ⸴ this one seemed to be smooth and successful; nothing came at us from above ⸴ and the goo beings that trellis reported seeing and fighting were not too difficult for our combined forces that descended into the darkness ·

By this point my fatigue had reached a point where i could barely function ⸴ so as we all returned to steepfall proper ⸴ i inquired about the other abandoned buildings in the town and trellis told me the undead were mostly leaving them alone · Blue had already stashed her small bundle of travel belongings in one such building ⸴ so it made sense for me to retrieve my taming bag and sleeping items from the storefront and also take refuge within that building ·

On our way back to steepfall for me to accomplish this ⸴ i also had occasion to talk with cressida and lilith · They mentioned to me that ardos had recently killed a bear ⸴ possibly the same one that maimed my eye and arm ⸴ which made me feel avenged in some strange way · Since lilith was also delving into the mastery of potion-making ⸴ we also talked at length about the possibility of devising a potion that ⸴ unlike everything i had tried so far ⸴ might finally restore my eyesight fully · It is a prospect i would like to detail more with her at a later time ·

✨ The Optical Occupant

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

It has been a long but fruitful stay in kingsmoore and i was more than ready to return to my relatively comfortable room at the kyngeshead · The waystone travel was no more disorienting than usual (i keep meaning to ask banradi about the vertigo) and i was greeted warmly by the innkeeper ⸴ who had preserved my room for the duration of my absence and assured me that everything would be just as i left it; he had not even entered it himself ⸴ and he and i held the only keys ·

My own key duly unlocked my little cube of personal space and i was quite relieved to see the extra little things i had not taken with me to kingsmoore ⸴ but the thing i was most delighted about was the proper bed · At the shelter I had taken to sleeping on a mat ⸴ or a bed of white pine leaves · So I lazily dropped my taming bag and sack of clothes into a chair ⸴ and settled in to take a nice afternoon nap · 

Or intended to · As i laid down however ⸴ there was a tiny yelp and i instantly jolted back up and drew my dagger (whose belt i had forgotten to take off anyway) · But i could not see anything ··· until the creature in question pulled its cloak down · It was a tiny chameleon wylderkin!

After apologising ⸴ putting my dagger away ⸴ and calming the youngling down ⸴ she was able to start talking to me · The poor girl's name was branch · She apparently had found her way into my room ⸴ having found it unoccupied for quite a few nundines ⸴ and decided it was a safe place to stay without considering that i would eventually come back · When i asked why she was looking for a safe place to begin with ⸴ she looked quite sad and said she did not have a home anymore · I gather that something had happened to her parents quite recently ⸴ rather than something like her being kicked out at such a young age · I would place her as being not quite a lustre old ⸴ perhaps only three or four years ⸴ old enough to articulate herself but not to understand a lot of the cruelty of the world ·

To try and lighten the mood i asked her about how she had hidden from me so well ⸴ and her eyes lit up as she started to explain · She told me that chameleons ⸴ and chameleon kyn ⸴ used camouflauge to hide ⸴ and that to a certain extent she could change her skin scales' colour · These were all things i already knew ⸴ but i let her go on so she would feel more comfortable · She did also mention that she had some cloaks which mimicked certain textures ⸴ and she hid under them when her natural camouflauge was insufficient to keep her from being detected · She had a snow cloak ⸴ a grass cloak ⸴ a bark cloak ⸴ and a rock cloak ⸴ all tucked into a little satchel that she carried with her ·

Amidst all these discussions however my mind was racing · What should i do with this little wylderkin? It would not be safe for her back in the forest all alone at this age ⸴ even in normal circumstances ⸴ much less the bitter cold that this winter has brought · Finding my unoccupied room was the best thing that could have happened to her · I was already too invested in her to take her back to the homeless shelter in kingsmoore ⸴ which was too far away from onothera ··· and then i remembered aunt cyn's orphanage ·

I won't bring it up to aunt cyn or to branch yet ⸴ however · I would rather that the young wylderkin trusted me ⸴ so that she can trust i would not recommend the orphanage unless i thought it was the best option ·

In the meantime ⸴ branch said she did not actually need to sleep right then ⸴ but was simply hiding in the bed because i surprised her by coming into the «unused» room · Still there will come a point when we both need to sleep · I've asked the innkeeper to lend me a cot ⸴ ostensibly so i can adjust to having a real bed after my time sleeping on the floor in kingsmoore ⸴ and i can also use it for some of my animal patients · I will help branch keep her presence a secret for a while ⸴ and then she and i can talk about what she needs to do going forward ·


Grianadhmad of Ardic, the Bulegoan, and the Ipiazak/Apiazak are copyright 2017 Taed T. A. Price.
Hálainndóchas, Dusk, Ilarion Deórsa Ramiel Earthdream, and Leander are copyright 2018 Taed T. A. Price.
All rights reserved.

All other characters are played characters or non-player characters portrayed by members of Alliance Traverse City or Alliance South Michigan members, are copyrighted by their respective players with all rights reserved, and used with permission. Names of respective copyright holders are available upon request.
Other city, region, and place names are copyrighted Alliance Traverse City chapter or Alliance South Michigan chapter with all rights reserved, and used with permission.
Racial descriptions and backgrounds are copyrighted by the overall Alliance LARP organisation with all rights reserved, and used with persmission.