✨ Voices in the Night (Part 3 of 3)

Sunday, 6 May 2018

A brief slumber and a too-brief time of meditation outside of valbrough's walls do not bear detailing, so i pass my narrative onward to my return to valbrough, when saro met me at the northwest gate. She, 13, and robert were just about to head out to a bandit drop site about a ghurry's march east of the city, and asked me to accompany them. Well rested and eager to answer any tests whether contrived or otherwise, i agreed, and we set out immediately. During the march to the site, the three members of the moonless nights explained that the drop site was used by their primary rivals, the «diamond boys», and we intended to not only loot whatever was currently there but also trap it against the next bandits to use it.

At the appropriate interval we came across a seemingly abandoned house. Rather than approach in stealth as obvious enemies, we approached at a comfortable gait as though we were gang members simply making another delivery. A voice called from within asking what we were doing, and 13 easily manipulated the poor sod into thinking we were fellow bandits. While 13 stood just within the doorway seemingly chatting away casually, saro prepared her bow, stepped in, and fired an arrow. Though i think it struck its target, the bandit was not so injured that he could not defend himself, and began firing off celestial spells.

13 and saro pulled back out of the building, and robert and i braced ourselves so that when saro gave the word, we rushed in. In spite of a few wounds, we easily subdued the (surprisingly effective) celestial caster, and put him to sleep by magic. As we were carrying his prone body further into the house, the sounds from outside made it clear that the fellow's actual partner had been relieving himself in the back. Saro and 13 subdued him in the same manner almost as soon as he came in the door, though they seemed surprised that he too was talented at celestial spellcasting.

While they handled the men, i followed robert through the halls of the building until we found the depository the diamonds boys had been using. Robert checked the box for existing traps, opened it and pilfered all the coin that had been inside, and then set a trap of his own. I stood a few stânjens back at robert's cautionary statement about the radius of his trap, should he accidentally trigger it while planting it, but fortunately for us all his deft hands made quick work of the setup. As we attempted to return to the front entry (the only exit in the building), however, we met saro and 13 sooner than expected. They had thrown up a wall of force to separate us from a third bandit member, who was waiting patiently for us to try to break past him again, and was obviously also a fluent caster.

In one of those bizarre twists that sometimes happens in mercenary work but is rarely spoken of, we had a casual conversation with the third bandit, who gave us his name as alexander (and we likewise introduced ourselves). He was a former military man during the campaign against bleak and, like many bearers of swords, had little to no use after the dragon was destroyed. He had ended up with the diamond boys as a way to still use what skills he had (the irony of our similarities was not wasted on me) and make some coin, but did not think highly of their leadership and was not truly aligned with their goals.

While robert and i maintained the unconsciousness of his two «companions» without killing them, saro and 13 had a long talk with alexander and it resulted in not only a truce but also alexander's defection, after quite some extensive conversation. He also suggested that the moonless nights might offer the same deal to other members of the diamond boys or third-party bandit gangs who were ex-military and just seeking to not be discarded, and saro seemed to think this was an excellent idea. She asked him to speak with any persons like that he already knew, and meet her in another city i was unfamiliar with where she was going to be setting up a homeless shelter funded by the moonless nights.

I was lost in thought for much of the return trip, such that 13 had to jostle my shoulder when we walked back into the city walls of valbrough so i didn't run into a tree. Thanking him, i returned to the tavern where i fortunately found sir mathis, who had promised to teach me about the regional flora of the duchy of eastlands (i may have written about this earlier). This was an ideal time for both of us and we went for a walk around the northwest and northeast of the city walls, going only just far enough for those walls to fade out of sight but finding in that small area an abundance of different plants. In a few cases mathis was specific about the plants we encountered, but primarily he spoke from the perspective of the long-lived elves about being able to use all of your senses, including the sixth sense, to feel the properties of a plant you may find. You can also infer from the immediate environment of the plant (i.e. in the water or in high altitudes) how effective the plant can be. This will help my experience with healing greatly and i expressed my gratitude to mathis as we came back around the southeast side of the wall.

We had not been outside the city walls that long, but there were preparations were in-progress for a three-tiered assault on the elemental planes. Apparently a member of the «guild of the gifted» (yet another of those numerous guilds and groups i've never heard of before) had come to valbrough earlier and relayed that the influx of elementals on our plane was due to several conflicts occurring on or near the plane of water, being caused or directed by the «planar knights» who are trying to forcefully restructure the cosmology of the twenty planes. Lukas asked me as i approached one of the tables if i would join a group that was going to remove an incursion on water from the plane of ice, and i saw no reason to refuse.

The plans took some time to draw up as resources (including adventurers, both native and visiting to valbrough) had to be allocated wisely, but there was also an interruption in the form of an angry selunari stranger who strode in and sat wordlessly next to me, looking intently at mathis before seeming to resume a conversation (there certainly had not been a start to it). There was a lot of frustrated whispers and veiled threats though i was too cowed by the vibrance of the man's anger to concentrate on his words well, but mathis is soft-spoken and long-lived and well-versed in diplomacy, and he was able to (from the sounds of it) placate the man for the most part. It was quietly explained to me shortly after the man left that he was a member of the «finis autem magia» which had helped in the fight against bleak and had been expecting payment in the form of dangerous magical items they could quarantine and destroy. Will i ever be able to keep the many guilds and gangs of eastlands straight?

While i waited for our group to depart for the plane of water, i also received some exciting news from ardos - he came specifically to find me because, while i had been either asleep or in meditation, a male dryad from the whisperers had come looking for me! I was at once elated and also distraught that i had missed him, but ardos assured me the man said he would return in the evening to seek me out again. Praise the ancestors!

Once the plans were finalised and the volunteers were divided up into effective teams, the entire assemblage went to the waystone inside the south wall of valbrough and completed the awkward feat of everyone either touching the waystone, radi, or a person who was directly touching radi. As the waymaker, and as one familiar with the elemental planes, banradi was our guide to the locations on the plane of water where we would be dropped off. One group was delivered to a waystone on the steamward side of the water plane to combat a large radiance elemental beast; another group was delivered to a waystone toward the oozeward side to eliminate an artificial portal to the stone plane.

We, as i stated before, arrived with radi on the iceward side, met by a large and solemn water elemental named torrent, who was an acquaintance of radi's. By we, i refer to the group of ten (eleven counting radi who was technically with all three teams) that i had mentally deemed «team frozen» in the spirit of having lots of named groups of people -- taois, aunt cyn, aragon, ozzrick, ethan, mister smith, emric, velnaeus, flint, and myself. Aragon, who i understand to be sometimes so eager for battle as to be foolhardy, commented quietly «yikes that is a huge water elemental, should we start killing him?» to which torrent frowned, demanded to know who spoke, and when we all pointed at aragon torrent requested he be silenced for the remainder of the conversation. velnaeus waylaid aragon, knocking him out, and torrent gratefully gave us the explanation we needed.

Torrent would «hold back the waters» and keep his lesser water elementals from attacking us while we converged on the block of ice which seemed to be forcing a portal between the two planes open. So saying, he dissolved into the waters around us and cleared the path ahead of us as much as possible. As we (including an awakened aragon) made our way down the path, the cold of the infringing plane began to become apparent, as well as the denizens of that plane making themselves known. Under radi's stilted direction we kept ourselves together in a tight block-like phalanx formation, three shields in front with casters and archers behind them, flint and myself on either side as dual wielders, and healers and refitters in the back. This proved to be effective beyond any of our hopes, and although the chill as we got closer became so great that we could barely go faster than a walk, we still powered our way through the lesser ice elementals, tore down the block, and shut the portal. From thence it was an easy path back through the plane of water to the waystone, though taios briefly stayed behind to recover a wand he had been renting from emric.

Though the tasks of the three teams were quite different we were all successful and all returned to valbrough in the prime plane at relatively close times (radi had to pick up a group and drop them off home, then go back to water to wait for whomever was ready next). Thus with the issues on the plane of water resolved and the elemental incursions on our own plane therefore much reduced, we all returned to the hall of heroes where the commonfolk of valbrough had prepared a veritable feast for us. I ate gratefully but hastily, wanting to get back to the earth guild before darkness fell. As i finished my meal i passed a table where aunt cyn was meeting with other guild members and told her to take her time as i would prepare the guild for the evening and guard it until she had concluded her business.

Looking back briefly at my last few entries, i see i have failed to mention that aunt cyn accepted my offer on vineri evening to stand as one of the earth guild guardians, which is why i took the matter this sâmbătă evening so seriously. Nor have I described the place where i was now going to be working, so let me remedy that.

The earth healers' guild of koroshi, which aunt cyn serves as headmistress, is exactly as it sounds: a guild of earth casters who focus heavily, if not primarily, on healing magic, serving as resurrectors for those who fall in battle nearby as well as providing hands-on healing spells and selling healing potions and elixirs. In valbrough, the earth guild headquarters sits fifty stânjens southwest from the hall of heroes in a small basin of the city, surrounded (appropriately) by no less than four small stands of trees. Visitors enter on the east side. Aunt cyn and the other earth healers invested in the greater circle of power placed said circle in the far-right (northwest) corner of the building, and an abundance of candles (perhaps two hundred) line the sills of the windows on all walls except the entrance. The banners of many of the other guilds who frequent or are allied with the earth guild hang from the rafters; a countertop juts out from the south wall, where aunt cyn usually sits while she does her paperwork.

As promised, i opened the guild back up in case a visitor came by (even if i was not an earth healer myself, i might still be able to answer questions or direct visitors to the tavern), and then i went around with the emunctorium to light each of the candles in a clockwise pattern from the door (my own traditional preference, presumably not something aunt cyn or the earth guild would enforce). My timing was good as the sun was setting below the top of the valbrough palisades and the treetops beyond them, so the earth guild was never left in darkness. I sat just outside the front door for a ghurry or two, singing old travelling songs quietly to myself and enjoying the fresh air while the people of the city went about their businesses and headed for home. Eventually aunt cyn arrived and i went inside with her for some comfortable chat, in between various visits from pyke and jotai, both of whom were looking for 13.

There came at some point in the evening a gentle knock on the door, and when i stood to see who it was, a quiet voice asked «i hope i am not intruding?» Aunt cyn replied «not at all, welcome to the earth guild. How can i help you?» and before the dryad that entered could reply, i gasped and began grinning like an idiot. I don't know how i could tell, but this was the man ardos had mentioned before, from the whisperers··· and in such manner he introduced himself, bristle, of the whisperers, looking for me. He asked if we could walk and speak privately, and apologised to aunt cyn for taking away her guardian, which she of course waved off.

We were barely out of the building when bristle began the conversation, but we continued walking and left valbrough through the west gate, turning on a deer path into the forest and becoming acquainted with each other. I expressed my honour at having him seek me out, but he rebutted that he himself was honoured to meet someone who wanted to follow the paths of the whisperers. Bristle originally said he had heard my name on the wind, but very quickly corrected himself and said «the birds told me about you.» It seems that my time spent with leander, my bearscorpion companion from the unhindered lands (or giantscorpions as eastlanders refer to them), did not go unnoticed by the other animals of the region. According to bristle, i was noted by the birds (and other creatures) as someone who sought out animals in need and sacrificed my safety to care for them. And that was why he felt i could learn his craft.

Bristle spoke to me about the connecting life force of all fauna, and said that as a selunari i was likely second only to dryads in being able to really comprehend the art of the whisperers. Anticipating my look of mild confusion he said that though elves are very long-lived and kindred to the forest, selunari know the bond of the sela between all other selunari. Bristle said that for me, learning this art would be very much like expanding my awareness of that bond to include other living things that were not selunari. Thus, as we reached a meadow on a lake shore that i certainly did not know existed near valbrough, he instructed me to simply listen - my first assignment. As i identified the birds, frogs, and crickets that sang out in the night, and even was able to identify when their songs changed, bristle told me what it was they were singing about or saying. A somewhat foreign, magical concept, and yet as he said, it seems somewhat innate.

The dryad accompanied me back to the earth guild and said that he would be in touch with me again soon, but in the meantime to continue listening and practising that sense of trying to connect with this «nature magic, or natural magic». As we reached the guild building jotai was also arriving, so i had occasion to introduce the two to each other and bristle welcomed jotai as a newly awakened dryad. Unlike jotai, however, bristle was not comfortable within buildings and manmade structures, so he declined to come back in one more time, simply bidding us farewell and journeying back toward the south gate.

Jotai and i re-entered the guild, where mathis had retreated to find a quiet place to continue working on his cipher. I left him undisturbed and instead sat in aunt cyn's traditional place behind the counter at the guild door, while aunt cyn performed a lesser investment ritual to invest jotai in the earth circle - for she was, as most dryads are, a talented earth caster and had already expressed profound interest in joining the guild. Aunt cyn's invocation to the spirits of the earth was truly inspired and made me even more certain how appropriate her headship of the guild was. As she concluded the prayer ritual, earth itself blossomed green grass and tender shoots from between the floorboards, astonishing jotai (and myself) before retracting them and returning the guild to normal. I then suggested jotai practise the new authority given her by granting me entrance and egress to the earth circle (since i myself am not invested, nor will i be as likely a celestial caster someday).

The hour becoming extremely late, jotai, aunt cyn, and mathis decided to return to the tavern for one last call and a little bit of socialising, and we closed up the earth guild. I told aunt cyn i would be along shortly, as i wanted to begin the assignment that bristle had given me. She understood completely and said she wanted details when i did eventually get to the tavern with them. I therefore retreated to an open space near the middle of valbrough with a very large, many-branched tree and a round field, the houses around it darkened and silenced as the citizens of valbrough were already in bed or preparing for it, and spent two ghurries or so simply listening for the sounds of night birds and insects that came out after dark.

Of the remainder of the night little needs to be said, as i did briefly go to the tavern and also briefly got to speak alone with aunt cyn, relaying some but not all of my conversation with bristle. I took myself off to the moonless nights home and fell asleep quickly and easily, and woke again this morning to do another round of listening in that same lakeside meadow that bristle had taken me to, for about three ghurries or so. A quite bite of a breakfast procured by mister smith (he had found some apples and chose to give them away for free), and the time spent updating this journal, fill the gap before i go back to bregsmourn and decide whether to remain there, or move permanently to valbrough. Though i understand bristle's misgivings about being around civilisation when i'm seeking to become one with nature, he also understood my passion for the defense and protection of others, and so i may choose to remain permanently in or near the earth guild, perhaps simply making my home in this meadow. At least bristle would know how to find me if i did.

Writer's note on the layout of valbrough: All in-game directions (north, south, etc.) are given based on an out-of-game conversation I had between mods with one of the plot team leaders, where he directed us "south" but we were actually heading east. Thus, all in-game directions are rotated 90 degrees clockwise from out-of-game directions.

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Grianadhmad of Ardic, the Bulegoan, and the Ipiazak/Apiazak are copyright 2017 Taed T. A. Price.
Hálainndóchas, Dusk, Ilarion Deórsa Ramiel Earthdream, and Leander are copyright 2018 Taed T. A. Price.
All rights reserved.

All other characters are played characters or non-player characters portrayed by members of Alliance Traverse City or Alliance South Michigan members, are copyrighted by their respective players with all rights reserved, and used with permission. Names of respective copyright holders are available upon request.
Other city, region, and place names are copyrighted Alliance Traverse City chapter or Alliance South Michigan chapter with all rights reserved, and used with permission.
Racial descriptions and backgrounds are copyrighted by the overall Alliance LARP organisation with all rights reserved, and used with persmission.