✨ Wickedness in Whitford

Monday, 16 April 2018

Sir mathis came to the central longhall of bregsmourn four days ago with a copy of a letter from one of his fellow knights of king lycergis. I transcribe a copy of the text here:
   His Majesty has tasked me with looking into something strange happening in Whitford. There have been several deaths of people who have a political nature. I don't think these will be the last of them.
   After reporting to his majesty king Lycergis, he has asked that I launch a larger investigation.
   As you may know. Whitford was given a right to establish a local government sanctioned by the kingdom. Dragonreach doesn't have a large amount of landed nobles in Eastlands, there are none in Springdale. But, law touches all of Dragonreach, and the function of government is the function of law. He has granted Whitford the right to choose it's own Mayor until such time that a noble house can be granted the land.
   A large group candidates emerged each vying for position. However the list grows shorter day by day. Candidates keep succumbing to mysterious circumstances. I believe it is murder by a single political rival. I believe the person arranging these circumstance is one of the 3 front runners.
   The situation also appears like it will continue to progress. I can share more information with you when you get here.
   I know all of you had spent some time in the mines. Whitford isn't very far from the mines. The miners have been able to block off those tunnels for now and continue mining. However, we've had a big problem with the green dead, they're everywhere.
   We've also had some elemental battles break out a ways outside town. Generally I understand it best to not let those things sit.
   This is a large undertaking and I fear I'm not a very good investigator. I know King Lycergis has used you in the past to help solve problems. I hope you can all help me here. So I'd like to formally invite you all to Whitford to assist me in my investigation. I can meet with you early in the morning on April 21st and hopefully you can provide me with enough assistance to stop what's happening.
   Thank you in advance,
Squire Matthew Callighan
At the behest of sir mathis several of us from bregsmourn are responding to this plea, including the pride (and also myself; it was for this very reason i left the unhindered lands, unwilling anymore to stand by and deny even my minimal aid to the good of dragonreach). He tasked us to be ready by sunrise on this day. Sir mathis and several other members of the order of the emerald flame arrived outside of bregsmourn encampment this morning, accompanied by none other than aunt cyn! What a wonderful surprise, though of course also mildly concerning. I have offered to protect her specifically since i've been long convinced ardos certainly doesn't need me watching him, and she had the kind grace to accept my limited service.

We have been awaiting other individual adventurers who have responded to his majesty's call for aid to join us, but i expect we will be setting out in just a few minutes. Bregsmourn cannot spare a full caravan and sufficient steeds were unfound, so we will all be walking, and because there are no waystones within springdale i suspect it will take us at least a day and a half, perhaps two, to reach whitford. Just in case we run into trouble of the simple animal kind, i'm bringing my creature taming kit, though it still contains no native flora. We need to make all due haste to whitford, but sir mathis himself has offered to teach me about eastlands' herbal heritage if we can resolve the situation there quickly.

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Grianadhmad of Ardic, the Bulegoan, and the Ipiazak/Apiazak are copyright 2017 Taed T. A. Price.
Hálainndóchas, Dusk, Ilarion Deórsa Ramiel Earthdream, and Leander are copyright 2018 Taed T. A. Price.
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